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Israel commemorates victims of the Holocaust

On Thursday morning air-raid sirens will sound all across Israel to commemorate the approximately six million Jews who perished in the Holocaust as a result of the actions carried out by Nazi Germany and its collaborators during World War II.

Known as "Yom HaShoah" in Hebrew, the day is marked by solemn ceremonies, flags are lowered to half-mast, and most cafes and entertainment venues are closed.

While the sirens blare, all work momentarily stops, classes are paused and traffic comes to a standstill, as people across the country stand to attention and remember the victims of the deadliest genocide in human history.

More than 73 years after the liberation of Auschwitz, and with the number of living Holocaust survivors rapidly dwindling, many Israelis make an effort to hear the living testimonies before its too late. A recent grassroots effort called "Zikaron Be'Salon" (memory in the living room) provides survivors with a platform to recount their personal stories in front of students and young professionals. These gatherings usually take place on Yom HaShoah eve in private homes and apartments.

The message of Yom HaShoah is to ensures that history is remembered and that the victims are never forgotten.

יהי זיכרם ברוך

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