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Anna Frenkel

Thrive is a unique program helping Hebrew University students to uncover the political, social and religious layers of Israel. Thrive's incredible events and supportive and encouraging staff have shaped my year and strengthened my Israel connection.

Danny Dubin

Thrive was a key factor as to why I chose to study abroad in Israel, and Jerusalem more specifically. The Thrive family has given me opportunities to experience Israel in ways I couldn't have done alone. I have learned to struggle with my Jewish identity while immersing myself in the diversity within Jerusalem. I couldn't imagine such an enriching time in Jerusalem without the help and support of Thrive.

Sarah Cromwell

When looking for a program that would make my studying abroad experience in Jerusalem the best it could possibly be, I found no reason to look anywhere besides Thrive. This program has gone above and beyond is meeting all the participants needs and expectations. The staff are constantly finding new and interactive ways to show us a well-rounded version of Israel, while at the same time providing an intimate and home-like feel. Although my semester here just ended, I know my Thrive family will always be there. 

Lilly Katz

I'm so happy that I chose to do Thrive! It's given me once-in-a-life-time opportunities to meet people and see places that I would never have been able to otherwise. It has made my experience abroad much more meaningful, memorable, fulfilling, and fun!

I love Thrive!

Josh Calvo

While you are here, you have an opportunity to experience the full range of your Jewishness – both in terms of your ethnic and national identification and in terms of your religious identification – and you won’t get that in any better form than with Thrive.

Alisa Tajfel

Thrive was one of the all-time greatest experiences in my life.  I did things in Israel that I would have never been able to accomplish without participating in Thrive. 

I now have a new family that I love and keep in touch with even though we are all over the world.  I cannot wait to return to Israel and re-experience the incredible love and appreciation that Thrive has taught me to have for my beautiful homeland.

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Alumni Board

Katie Hartman - University of Pennsylvania - DIrector of Alumni Recruitment

Katie grew up in Manhattan and now attends the University of Pennsylvania, where she majors in English and creative writing and minors in Modern Middle Eastern Studies. At Penn, Katie is involved in Jewish life, Israel advocacy, and is a sister of Sigma Delta Tau sorority. She spent the first half of her junior year (Fall 2015), studying abroad with Thrive. Katie had a wonderful experience abroad and credits that to the work of the Thrive family. During her time abroad, Katie was elected the 2016 president of Penn Hillel. She is very excited to bring what she learned in Jerusalem about Israel, Judaism, and herself back to Penn's Jewish community (of approximately 2,500 students!). She is also looking forward to telling people (especially younger students) about Thrive and watching the program grow over the coming years. 

Michelle Heker - Emory University - Alumni Engagement

Michelle grew up in Princeton, NJ. She is currently a Junior at Emory University, studying Human Health and minoring in Spanish. Michelle studied abroad in Jerusalem at Hebrew University in the spring of her Sophomore year, where she also participated in Thrive! She misses everything about her experience in Israel, so she is very excited to help her Thrive family stay connected to each other and to Israel with a monthly newsletter! 

Aaron Stein - American University

Aaron Stein just graduated from American University in Washington, DC. He studied Political Science and Economics. While on campus, he devoted himself to his Jewish community and recently served as President of the Jewish Student Association (JSA). Since returning from an amazing semester in Jerusalem, he has lead text-based study at the AU Hillel Beit Midrash. His love for the Jewish people and its traditions come from his upbringing in Deerfield, IL. When he needs to get away from the two cities he calls home, you can find him with his buddies at their secret camping spot on the Western Michigan shore. Aaron is currently working on Hilary Clinton's campaign in Chicago. 

Jossie Forman - University of Rochester

Jossie grew up in Newton, MA. She is now going into her Senior year at the University of Rochester, where she studies Math and Education. During her Spring semester Junior year, Jossie studied at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, where she took part in the Thrive program. She loved absolutely everything about living in Israel, especially fresh Shakshukka, Shabbat in the old city, and the amazing and inspired friends she made on the program. Jossie hopes to one day be a Math teacher, but for now, she is just finishing up Senior year! 

Alisa Tajfel - Rutgers University

Alisa is currently a Junior at Rutgers University. She aspires to become a Licensed Clinical Social Worker once she is finished with her undergraduate degree.

Even though she has enjoyed returning to New Jersey, she misses Israel every day and cannot wait to return in the summer!  Alisa hopes to continue and further strengthen the amazing bonds that each Thrive semester family has made through their time spent in Israel. Once a Thriver, always a Thriver, and we cannot wait to add more alumni to our fast-growing family!

Melissa Dworkin - American University

Melissa is a Senior at American University in Washington, DC. She is originally from Denver, Colorado and runs a program to send care packages to Israeli soldiers. Melissa spent the Spring semester studying at Hebrew University in Jerusalem with the Thrive program and loved every minute!! She loved grocery shopping at the Shuk, going to the Kotel, and exploring Jerusalem and Israel with the best friends and Thrive family!!

Josh Calvo - Princeton University

Josh Calvo graduated from Bard College in 2015 with a degree in Written Arts and Middle Eastern Studies. Currently, he is a PhD student in Comparative Literature at Princeton University, working on modern Arabic and Hebrew literature separately and in conjunction. He was among the first to “thrive” in Israel while studying at Rothberg in 2014 and misses his fellow students—not to mention Mo and R. Isaacs—every day! Josh very much looks forward to helping Thrive design an academic curriculum for students looking to learn as much as they can about Israel over their semester abroad. 

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