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Our Mission

Thrive is an optional, immersive Israel program available to students who are participating in the regular undergraduate study abroad program at the Rothberg International School. Thrive is designed to allow motivated students to gain an in-depth and sophisticated appreciation of Israel. Through mature discussions and exhilarating experiences, students will understand the excitement of the land of Israel, as well as the challenges that face the entire Jewish community.


Study abroad is the ideal time for college students to gain real life experience by integrating into another culture. Choosing Israel as their destination will give students five months to deepen their understanding of their homeland and of their heritage, enabling them to explore, interact, and familiarize themselves with the rich spectrum of Israeli life.


If you care about Israel, this is the study abroad program for you; we will help you make Israel real and a place that you could always call home.

Our Staff

Our Students

Our Board

"It's not just one type of student who participates; it's students from all religious, political, geographical backgrounds, all coming together to learn in Israel and to experience Israeli culture and society."


-Aaron Stein (American University, 2015)

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