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Study Abroad Increases Your Job Marketability

What would you say if I told you that studying abroad increases your chances of getting a job? That’s right, no pulling strings here!

Among the many incredible reasons to live and learn in a different country, studies have found that study abroad enhances a student’s job marketability.

Dr. Allan Goodman, President and CEO of the Institute of International Education, says that "International experience is one of the most important components of a 21st century resume."

When studying abroad, students gain essential skills that employers are excited about and value.

In January 2013, Hart Research Associates, partnering with the American Association of Colleges, surveyed 318 employers and found that

  • 78% agree that "all college students should gain intercultural skills and an understanding of societies and countries outside the United States."

  • 96% said that comfort in "working with colleagues, customers, and/or clients from diverse cultural backgrounds" is important to them.

In addition to being culturally-sensitive and a good team player when it comes to diversity, some other characteristics that employers find significant in an employee are: problem-solver, good communicator, mature, broad-minded, analytical, and flexible.

Let’s see what some study abroad alumni have said about their successes after studying abroad…

In March 2012, the Institute for the International Education of Students (IES) surveyed 1,008 of its alumni.

  • 90% of the students secured a job within the first six months after graduation, whereas the average employment of individuals in their age bracket was 83.6%.

  • 84% felt that studying abroad “helped them develop valuable job skills such as foreign language knowledge, cultural training, tolerance for ambiguity, adaptability, communication, and more.”

Wow, this is great! According to this study, study abroad alumni gain numerous valuable skills and are having an easier time finding jobs.

Studying abroad shows employers that students are passionate, motivated, and self-confident. By living in a foreign country, students learn to adapt to various situations, problem solve, and cultivate more independence. When they are ready to look for a job, their maturity, flexibility, worldliness, and cultural-sensitivity appeal to employers.

When interviewing, you can use study abroad to your advantage in your resume and in your pitch, making you a star candidate for any employee!

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